Friday, October 12, 2007

Definition of "transparent"

transparent-"that may be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; clear"

I have heard that cleaning lighthouse windows is a daily chore, otherwise the light within is not clearly reflected.

If I were a lighthouse window, it would take gallons of windex to get me clean! The move, setting up new routines, home sickness and finding my way around a new place has put a thick layer of "its-all-about-me-look-what-a-martyr-I-am" gunk on me. No wonder I've been rather dark lately; I'm blocking the Light.

However, I am not a lighthouse window, and windex is not the solution to clean the gunk. Rather, I am a child of God who has been neglectful of daily cleansing for too long, and I must rely on the Blood to do the job. Thank God it is readily available to me!

(NOTE TO SELF) To prevent the build up of "its-all-about-me-look-what-a-martyr-I-am" gunk, follow this simple recipe.

Pray and ask others to pray for you
spend time DAILY in the Word, if only for a few minutes
fellowship with other believers
participate in Christian service

1 comment:

Doug said...

Hi, Christa,
Thanks for the insight...something about being away that gives you a better idea about where you ar from--and what you value so much about it.
One of the ways I have been able to stay in touch with home is through daily prayer for my assigned youth prayer partner who happens to be Jeremy...funny how "home" is rooted so far in opposite directions. I suspect that love is its own dimension, with its own idea of near and far.

Yours in Christ,